Thursday, April 10, 2008


After a really blissful week off (give or take) from the matrix of production, I was ready to revisit The Common Press and my characters. Thanks to a previously unnecessary 4' x 8' sheet of plywood, I now have a variety of bases upon which to adhere my large Everyman (Plex-Man) characters.

Last night, I decided to attempt to bend the Vandercook to my will (insert diabolical laughter?). As in, pull a series of large prints on the letterpress that show no resemblance to "traditional" letterpress prints, besides the fixed width dimension.

The first tan/gold/mustard one was the worst, but I needed to get it over with and out of my system, and then moved on.

I made an enormous mess. And also many gradients. I printed a few on nearly translucent kozu paper with a bed/tympan packed to the hilt. I cracked about 4 letters into pieces, and still can't wash the cyan out from under my fingernails.

I hoped for these to feel "cavernous."

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